October 16, 2010

Family Traditions: Pumpkin Patch

I am a huge fan of Family Traditions, HUGE FAN! I get excited just thinking about them. When you get married and have kids, your world changes during the holidays. You can no longer just go and hang out with YOUR family. You are pulled in a bazillion different directions (if you are a people pleaser like myself) and most times "relaxing and fun" turns into "exhausting and exhausting". I love that now, Kevin and I are starting our own traditions. We can choose to incorporate our past traditions with our families, but we are also learning that it's okay to do new things without any expectations (which sometimes is hard for me;)

One family tradition that I LOVE is picking out pumpkins. It doesn't necessarily revolve around a certain holiday, but a season (my favorite season, btw)! Kevin and I started our annual trip up to Burt's Pumpkin Patch our first Fall together (married). Three years later we are hauling our two pumpkins up north to pick their own pumpkins. The weather was gorgeous (a little hotter than expected), the kids were in fairly good moods (for being sleep) and we very much enjoyed our time together

(Basically Riley wanted to eat everything she saw.)

one picture she wasn't eating red mulch.

our pumpkins

1 comment:

  1. That looks like so much fun!

    I love traditions too, and can relate to dealing with family expectations. It's been quite an adjustment dealing with in-laws and recently divorced parents as newlyweds...yikes!
