November 10, 2010

And so it begins....

I find myself on a daily basis asking myself "I am sorry, who is this kid?!" My baby is growing up so fast! Her new trick is to pull herself up the side of the crib. She is so proud every time we walk into the room. I feel as though we are checking milestone after milestone off the list and I am utterly exhausted now that we have TWO small, MOVING people in our home (most of the time going in opposite directions).

Riley has deemed a few "pet names" for herself. We started out with "Riley Bug" because three weeks into life we learned that all she could do was she then became "Smiley Riley" (still living up to the name)....these days I am considering changing it to "Princess" or better yet....DIVA!

*My mom had to remind me that I am basically owed some cranky baby time, due to the fact that she really was such a good baby for the first 7 months, and for the most part still is And to that I say "! Why can't I just have a good baby?"

Smiley Riley can cop a "Tude" in seconds, don't let her deceive you!!! The girl hates to have her clothes changed (seriously!? she's a girl, all girls love to change clothes, right?!), she hates to have her mouth wiped (again, I thought girls liked to be clean?!), on top of that....she has learned to throw temper-tantrums at a very early age when she doesn't get what she wants or your are "messing with her" (aka, changing her clothes/diaper, wiping her mouth, etc). I remember these phases with Hudson, but they don't seem like phases with Riley, they seem more like glimpses into her personality. Don't get me wrong, I love my baby girl! I have wanted a little girl since before I was married. But the difference in the drama levels between my son and my daughter are mind blowing at times. Hudson does it for attention, Riley does it because you have rocked her world and

Is it just me?! Are all girls this dramatic as babies?!

Her new accomplishment! So proud.
(her "normal" demeanor)

Disclaimer: I was fully aware of my baby's surroundings while documenting her temper tantrum...I just needed proof!)

Just getting started....(i don't remember why?)

She flailed herself back.

Rolled to a different part of the bed....

and now its over!

Do you get my point?

1 comment:

  1. Too funny! Annabelle does the exact same thing. She is a total drama queen compared to Stella at this age.
