December 1, 2010

A mommy at Christmas

As I sit here looking around our halfway decorated living room, Christmas decor spread all over the place, empty tupperware boxes piled up waiting for the trek back to the attic, toys spread from one corner to the next waiting on someone to put them back in there place for the third time today and I can't help but smile (and sigh!) Honestly.... I am tired! I often wonder WILL someone else come along and pick up the toys, could someone else run to the store to pick up forgotten milk and orange juice?! It's not everyday (like today) someone drops off your clean and folded laundry on your front porch at 9:30am! (You know who you are and I LOVE YOU!!).......A girl can dream right?!

But then I think, who am I to complain?! groan? fuss? whine?! (because lets face it...this princess knows how to whine!) I am so blessed! I love this time of year, no matter the mess and the weariness it might bring, I love every emotion that comes with it! I love the rush from Thanksgiving to Christmas day to New Years Eve, the peace of a quiet night cuddled up with the family, the joy of blessing others, the exhaustion from running from one place to the next, meeting new people and spending time with old friends. I LOVE IT ALL!

I especially love that with each Christmas, since 2007, our family has grown one person at a time. This year we celebrate Riley bug's first Christmas and next year....Surprise!! We will celebrate Sanders baby #3! and we couldn't be more thrilled!

So maybe this is why I am reflecting on emotions, because our life has been flooded with them over the past 6 months!! With this news comes great joy and excitement. 2010 has been a really rough year for our family, really just the last half, but it was enough for us to be SOOOOO over this year and ready for 2011! God has blessed us with a beautiful distraction and we are so thankful to move into the new year with great anticipation of what He has for our family. So with the rush of this year's holiday season I am forced to sit, if not lay, on the couch (with my saltine crackers and Sprite) and dream. Most days I just imagine life as a mommy of three and the Christmas's to come. I dream about the the love that Riley and Hudson will have for there new sibling and the bond that my kids will have being so close together in age. Yes, I am tired and I am sure it won't get any better for the next few years but I am learning to look at life with the "cup half full" mentality. God continuously reminds me of what a blessing it is to be a mom, let alone be a mommy to my sweet babies. Every "i wuv you mommy" or kiss on the cheek, the sneaky snuggle, or the head on my shoulder, I know that I am truly blessed!

Peanut #3 is due July 7, 2011!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, Lauren! You already have such a beautiful family and soon it's going to be even sweeter. :)
