September 7, 2010

Letting things go.

I have decided to pick back up my blogging "habit". I was never really good at updating and who knows what is to come. However, this time, I finally feel like I am some-what adjusted to life as a mommy of two. Hold that thought.....

Let's catch up......In addition to our hunk of a son, Hudson, we have welcomed Riley Elizabeth to our family. She brightened our world February 3 of this year and we couldn't be more blessed to have another bundle of joy! Children truly are a gift from God. She just turned 7 months this past weekend and believe it or not Hudson will be 2yrs old, October 21st! These past 7 months have been nothing short of exciting and we are trying desperately to slowdown enough to enjoy it. Kevin is now the youth pastor at our church, in addition to his worship leader position. And on top of his work, he is starting his LAST SEMESTER in college! (you can't see me, but I am beaming!) He will graduate in December with his Bachelors degree in Christian Ministry. He is so gifted in his ability to preach and I love watching him do what God has called him to.

......When we talk about the idea of "letting things go" it could be considered a positive and/or negative experience. There are things in life that we probably shouldn't let go of, for example: yourself, your laundry, your bills, etc. Then there are things in life we should release, and sometimes have a hard time doing so, such as a deceased loved one, a hurtful friendship, or a bad habit. Our family has had to deal with so many of these situations over the last 11 months, probably one reason I haven't done much blogging. :) But I am now determined to clean up the mess and de-clutter our lives!! (physically and mentally) I am ready to let go!

My first "letting go" moment came to me the other day- when Hudson was 7 months old, we found out I was pregnant with Riley. Now that Riley is 7 months old, I am not pregnant nor do we plan on getting pregnant any time soon! This will be the first Fall/Winter that I have not been pregnant in two years. Not only does this mean I get to go shopping for a non-maternity wardrobe, I actually get to experience what it's like to actually complete the post-pregnancy stage...and maybe, just maybe get back to being my pre-pregnancy, pre-children size?! maybe not, but here's hoping! I don't have any plans to make this happen and in reality being pregnant at this point last year relieved these emotions that come with losing weight and the need to feel "back to normal".....but have no fear (parents) the Sanders family intends on being a family of four for awhile and I intend on losing those last few pounds and happily "letting go" of my pregnant state of mind!

Things I have "let go" and want to get back before 2011:
*my house
*my creative endeavors
*walking at least three times a week
*my blog

1 comment:

  1. Great post! & I love the blog layout.

    I am just trying to accept that after children, there is no "normal"....sigh. ; )
