October 30, 2010

Meal Planning: More Work, Less Money

It seems these days that everyone is pinching pennies....not to mention the Christmas season (though its over a month away) is being crammed down our throats already! I am sure we are all looking to save a little money, here and there. I have heard from SEVERAL friends that MEAL PLANNING is the best way to go. It saves you money and makes for healthier, at-home eating for your family. Because lets face it, though Taco Bell (3 times a week) is a quick fix, it will haunt you in the long run!
I first got really excited about this new household endeavor for the obvious reasons...I love making lists, I love to cook, I love to EAT yummy food and my husband will be thrilled to know I am not spending a bazillion dollars on groceries.
A few downers to this plan...I like to make lists-but I tend to forget them or lose them before they are carried out, I am not really good at coupons( again I always forget them or don't read them correctly), and I barely ever have time to go to the store with two small kids. It seems like such a chore to bring them and it seems so daunting when i have to go LATE at night, exhausted (not to mention i spend more money when I am not thinking straight). YES, these are excuses but pretty much reality these days.
BUT no matter MY PERSONAL ISSUES.....I am going to make myself do it!! It's the weekend and I WILL go grocery shopping with a plan and be successful.....hopefully! I will let you know how it goes.

For my first "new" meal of the week I am going to try this AMAZINGLY EASY Crockpot recipe I found on Less Cake More Frosting, it seriously calls for three ingredients (and one of them is my favorite product on the planet...SODA!) No it's not organic (thats an idea: ORGANIC CocaCola!) but I am not sure I care so much about that. I am more into EASY right now and if it's a crowd pleaser. I am working on making my grocery list more "green" but it's not a huge priority right now (and yes my babies wear disposable diapers ;). Saving money is the priority right now.

Do you have any tips on how to successfully Meal Plan? How do you only eat organically on a budget?! (this one I am dying to know)

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