Unlike you, who I am sure is the PERFECT MOTHER, Here are a few things I haven't quite figured out, though you are probably wondering if should have by now:
#1 You would think after two years of waking up to feed the baby in the middle of the night or wee hours of the morning, I would jump up, sprint downstairs, make the bottle in 2.4 minutes and have her back asleep in 5. Yeh right! I am lucky if I can get my tired behind out of bed. Fortunately my husband is my knight in shining armor and helps more than you know before the sun comes up.
#2 Speaking of sleep deprivation.....You would think I would learn to chug my morning cup (or 2) of coffee. Otherwise it sits on the table, counter, or whenever I deemed worthy of being out of the babies' reach. (Caffeine is a necessity to this momma's day) Today I had no coffee in the house, made a trip to Dunkin Donuts with the kids (all in our Pajamas) and have yet to take the first sip of my delicious Pumpkin Flavored treat! It's 11:30am and I am kicking myself.
#3 After two years of sleep schedules you would think I would remember that I only have 1.5-2 hours of naptime to do the dishes, throw in a load of laundry, pay bills, make a QUIET phone call and most importantly take a shower!! I was told before Hudson (my first) was born"showering and putting on 'big girl clothes' makes you feel so much better about yourself, just a shower makes the world of difference" In which my response was "who do I have to impress? the mail man?"
And now nap time is over and I am sitting here in my sweatpants and messy pony tail (don't judge me!)
#4 Please tell me I am not the only one who time and time again, forgets to change over the continuous loads of clothes in the washer and after dinner realizes.... STINK (literally)! Sour clothes! Not only do you have re-wash the clothes, but this basically sets you back another few hours in your "domestic progress"
No wonder you get SO MANY CLOTHES at Baby Showers, every knows (but you) that you will be changing small peoples clothes 3-4 a day! (atleast when you have a lot of clothing options, you don't have to wash as much....right?!)
NOTE TO NEW MOMS: INVEST IN STAIN REMOVER!!! (I like Shout, Oxi Clean works too!)
#5 No matter how many times you clean up their toys (during nap time, while they are watching a movie, after you have stub your toe on the SAME LEGGO four times!) The floor will be messy again in a few minutes, if not seconds! Don't bother!! I completely agree with teaching your child at an early age to clean up! At our house we sing the song (props to Barney!) and we teach our toddler how to clean up COMPLETELY!! But whats the point in the middle of the day? unless it helps your sanity and you can't continue in your day.....by all means PICK UP THE TOYS. But it just frustrates me. If my kids are having fun and they are playing with their toys (not just throwing them around and abusing them) then I will wait until bedtime to, as Hudson says.... "Meem up"
the joys of Mommyhood!
(when all else fails, just have fun!)
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