December 16, 2010

I need HELP! :Room Sharing

OK so this is the way my brain works....We don't even have names picked out for this next baby, not to mention WE DON'T EVEN KNOW THE SEX, but I can't stop sorting through scenarios in my brain on who gets to share a room! I love to decorate and love to re-decorate even more, so the thought of planning out a new room if not TWO excites me. However, I am trying to stay realistic in my thinking...I don't have a whole lot of decorating time on my hands even if the baby is 6 months away! I can't seem to finish small projects like re-doing my half-bath downstairs.

I have put so much thought into this transition already that MY BRAIN HURTS! (yes, I am crazy- I know!) We live in a three bedroom house and the odds are we aren't moving anywhere any time soon...and it's very do-able in our house. We might be cramped but thats the least of my worries. We will manage! (that is if I can figure this rooming thing out;)

Here are my scenarios:

#1 Hudson and Riley share a room: This being the most logical of the ideas....because they are closest in age and they will be on the same sleep schedule (by that I mean night time hours and same one nap a day) This will mean re-doing one room because I will move them into which-ever room ends up not being claimed by the next baby (based on gender) Riley's room is pink and Hudson's is mustard. Hudson will be moved into a "big boy bed" within the next month to be well adjusted before July (giving up his crib for the baby) and that would leave Riley in her crib for another year or so. We would probably move Riley into a room with her brother closer to the time the baby comes, giving her longer in her own room and then they would have something FUN during or right before the transition of the new baby (even though i want to do it ASAP because thats just me!)

#2 Gender specific rooms: This leaves little to NO re-decorating to do (which saddens me and brings me relief all at the same time) The baby can stay with us for a little while longer(6-8 months) than we normally keep the newborn in our room (at most 2 months) . This would leave both Hudson and Riley more time in their own rooms and they could adjust to the new baby. I feel as though Hudson is going to be way more affected this time than with Riley so I don't want to bombard him with ALOT of change (totally babying him-I KNOW!) but on the other hand he might enjoy sharing a room?! i dunno, if only two-year olds could speak clearly! HA! Once the baby is on a pretty good sleep schedule I could move him/her into his/her designated spot.....(but who knows when this will be!)

Anywho....I am open to suggestions and opinions...I would love to hear from those of you who have had this dilema or can speak from success/failures ;)

1 comment:

  1. I dont have any experience in this but i totally did not know you were pregnant!!! Congrats!! I would love to have another one but here at school if we have one more we HAVE to move and i'm not ready for that! But this is awesome!! I am sooo happy for you!!! I do have suggestion, my boys are 14 months apart and they share a room. They are both boys but they absolutly LOVE IT!!! And have become best friends through it. Chaz (my oldest) has started singing Jedidiah (my baby) to sleep every night. Its precious! If i were you i would probably put Hudson and Riley in the same room and give the new baby a room to itself. YOU AND KEVIN NEED TIME FOR EACH OTHER!! You are going to need an escape and if you have a newborn in there you will have no place to escape!!! Well thats my 2 cents lol!!
    Love ya girlie!! And I will be praying for you through this pregnancy and with adding another little one to the family!!!
    Brittni Johnson
