December 15, 2010

My life in pictures...

Ever have that since of overwhelming exhaustion and pure contentment at the same time?! I feel that way all too often during the holidays. So much to do and so much to experience, wrapped up with a sense of obligation to create memories (atleast if you are like me!) I want every moment to count from Thanksgiving to Jan 1st, 2011.
This year I have lost that "need" to create memories. I am letting my guard down and realizing memories are made whether they are planned (some say....forced) or not! Having not only morning sickness but ALL DAY sickness with this 3rd bambino has caused me to relax...I guess thats the right word?! Maybe it's just that I DON'T CARE, or have come to the realization I just can't do it! (see pictures below for proof that I just don't care;)

AND have I mentioned it's cold here in Atlanta, not just cold...FREEZING! not normal and not welcomed by yours truly! It's so cold that I really don't attempt to go anywhere with two small children unless I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO ;) So maybe there's another reason things aren't getting done...but I am ok with it (I think?)

Proof #1 my son's hair....poor guy went crossed eyed the other day because he couldn't figure out why his hair was in front of his eyes ;)
Proof #2 the piles of laundry in the background!

Proof#3 Check out Miss Sassy Pants in her lovely un-matching outfit.
(keep in mind warmth was what we were going for that day!)

This was one of those days where we HAD to get formula at the grocery store before Little Miss lost her cool!

Proof #4 Yes, Hudson is eating a sausage breakfast burrito from McDonalds IN THE CAR!! while on our way to Publix!
(you should see his full outfit!!)
Notice the hair!!

Good thing my kids are awesome no matter what there mom does or doesn't do .......or how she dresses them.
No matter if we are snuggling on the couch or freezing our tushies off running errands (not that it happens often) we make the most of it!

1 comment:

  1. Lauren, you crack me up. You were so made to be a mom. Lol.
