September 4, 2012

First Days

Surreal Mommy Moment #1
Nothing seems more surreal than the day you hold your sweet baby for the first time in the hospital. The doctor hands you this screaming, gooey, bright red bundle of goodness and you are instantly hooked. (ok so maybe it's even better once they are bathed and swaddled - just maybe ;) 
The instant connection is hard to explain to most people, for most daddies it doesn't even come around until later. But for the mamas, you know what I mean. No matter how squished their nose is or how much they resemble an old person- that baby is yours and you would give your life for them.

Surreal Moment #2
I had my second "Oh my stink, I am a mom" moment today
...really it's been hanging out for the last week.
 My baby, the one that I held that day in the hospital, so tiny and new, is going to school (as if the last two years of walking and talking in full sentences did not clue me in). This was a  moment that at one point in my life was just a dream. Call me weird (most people do) but I dreamed as a little girl/young girl that I would one day get to pick out school supplies and new shoes for the first day of school with own my kid. If you know three things about me-  it's that I love babies/kids, I love school supplies, and I love coffee (ok, so the third things has nothing to do with anything, but it's the top three outside of my love for Jesus and my husband)

So here we are, Day #1. My heart aches a bit, my stomach is in knots and he was/is pumped to meet his teacher and new friends. Today was a short stint verses tomorrow when he will actually go (without me) and stay for the full three hours. 
I KNOW! I am such a baby, because it's just three hours for three days a week. 
Give me a break -I am new a this.

 God's plans for this witty, tender hearted boy are far beyond my wildest dreams for him. I know this for certain because my world has been rocked, for the better, because of God's plans for my life. 
I can only pray the same for my children.  

Enjoy your time sweet boy!

 His teacher gets 5 stars in my book...I mean how awesome is this cookie to go along with the class theme of Owls! (and 5 more stars for Owls being the theme!) pure cuteness! 
I know it's just preschool, friends. I know. Promise to tone down the emotion in the days to come. 


  1. aww, I felt the same way on Dmitri's first day of pre-school too! Hugs! It's exciting, yet hard, to watch them grow!
